Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Liebster Award

You may be wondering what in the world the Liebster Award is, I sure didn't know. It is an "award" given by bloggers to bloggers. It is simply a way to get to know a little bit more about the girl behind the blog, and share some of your favorite blogs so we can all creep together!  :)

I was nominated by my cute friend Michelle that I have known since.. forever pretty much. {Long live ParCool!} 

Here we go, a few things about me >> >> 

I love the tv show "Friends". When I started dating my husband, he quoted it once and I knew I would be hanging on to him for the long haul. (He even owned some of the seasons.. Match made in Heaven I tell ya). I watched nearly all 10 season the first few months when Lucas was born. Pretty sure our little guy knew that it was time to eat when he heard "I'll be there for you!" It made nursing fly by :)

One of my favorite movies is "Tangled". My husband knows if it has been a rough day because I will be watching it in our room. 

I am the absolute worst decision maker out there.. If I can procrastinate any decision making, you can be sure that I will.

I'm also a worrier, so that makes it even harder to make decisions.. 

One of my most prized possessions is a Tiffany bow necklace Teddy gave me when Lucas was born. It makes me happy every time I wear it.

I love Gushers. So so much.

I am a list maker and journal keeper

Rainy days are my favorite kind of days

I cry. A lot. I thought after my pregnancy the hormones would go away, but they just magnified... Sometimes for good things, sometimes for bad. Especially things involving my family, it just gets to me! Poor Fancy Face, he is really good at taking care of me and the rollercoaster I am always on.

If I could live in leggings, I would. In a heartbeat. The amount of time it takes me to get out of normal clothes and into sweats when I get home is embarrassing.

I love handwriting. I love seeing other peoples' writing, I love writing in my journal, I love writing notes, and I am working on learning calligraphy.. I'm a big fan of it all.

I really enjoy watching sports, and I kind of know a lot about them. I guess that's what I get for growing up with 4 brothers.

I have mastered the art of "lollygagging". Just ask Teddy...

My favorite things about myself are my boys. Watching them play fills up my little mommy heart.

Now I nominate... 
Allison-- The Meadows Family 
Stef-- Pure Luck
Melissa-- Mr. & Missy
Let's learn some new things about you cute girls :)


Allison and Josh said...

So fun learning new things about you! I guess I need to come up with some interesting things about me...

McKayJoice said...

The hair on that little guy is amazing!