So almost THREE weeks ago {Can you even believe it has been that long?! Holy cow, time flies!!} I married a very special boy. And since then, we have started a very happy life together. I know I have so much to share about our perfect day, our lovely honeymoon, and our new home, but those posts will come soon. Promise.
Today, I'm sharing about my new life with my dreamy husband. I know it won't always be easy, but so far-- this guy has made being a newlywed ideal.
--There are those dumb days when everything we have to do starts piling up. Insurance, moving, everything we have to buy, school, work, etc. My stress levels get the best of me. But this guy knows how to just hug me and promises me that "everything will be just fine". He's so right- our world didn't end, and I feel at peace all over again.
--As we drive in the car, he reaches over and holds my hand. Then every once in a while he pulls it up and gives me a little kiss, and I get butterflies all over again.
--I'll admit it, I was a little worried to get married because I come from a house where my parents could do anything. And I mean anything. So I didn't know what would happen when I got married and they weren't there to fix every little problem I had. But then I married this guy, and he was an instant handyman. He built our shelf, fixed the water heater to get us hot water {HALLELUJAH!!}, made us a very great entertainment system for our room :), has killed multiple spiders {if that doesn't make him an insta-stud, I don't know what will!} and every time- I fell all over again.
--It's so hard leaving for work in the morning.. But when I get the little hugs from behind while I'm making our lunches it's ok we have to go, because I get to come home to the same place as him at night. And I get excited all over again!
--When we're walking on the sidewalk and he switches me sides so he's by the street, I feel protected and safe all over again.
--A few nights ago, my cousin gave us our wedding video! We couldn't wait to watch it, but we didn't have our couch yet. So there we were, just cuddling all the floor, watching the perfect day that was the beginning of the rest of our lives. We were both on cloud 9 that whole day. I couldn't tell you any other time I have ever felt that happy, and that sure of the life we had chosen to live. Lying there on the floor, with my husband holding me-- I felt all those feelings of pure joy all over again {every time we watched it. Yes, multiple times!}.
--After a quick run down to the garbage we locked ourselves out.. No key, no phone to call someone with a key. Nothing. So I was going to climb over and through the window, but he insisted that I stay safe on the patio and he would do it instead. So I just sat watched as my monkey of a husband moved the screen, climbed around, and jumped through our window. I laughed and laughed, all over again. {well, I laughed once we were in safe and sound, good work Fancy Face}
--Hearing him talk about our kids we're going to have one day, and watching him play with our nieces and nephews makes me fall head over heels- you guessed it- all over again.
Sorry about the sappy love post. But this guy kind of means the world to me, and I thought you should know some of the reasons why. ;) I promise there won't be such a long break between my next post. I'm extremely excited to get our wedding pictures and show them to you! Let's hope we get them soon! And our little place is becoming more "ours" by the day! Can't wait to share! xo